A Rosalind Miller (photography) and Zakee Shariff (silk-screen printmaking) exhibition, held at the Tabernacle, London W11. Ros and Zakee travelled to various places in the UK where Ros recorded Zakee in the privacy of her thoughts. A selection of images was chosen from these shoots, to which Zakee added screen-printed drawings over the photographic images.

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Scots Land, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminum

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Hidden Asleep, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 70 × 55 cm

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Barbican Hand, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 70 × 55 cm

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Hidden Feet, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 70 × 55 cm

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Hidden Rainbow, 2003 Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 70 × 55 cm

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Fallen, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 125 × 70 cm

Zakee Shariff & Rosalind Miller, Forest Trees, 2003. Silk-screen print on photograph, dry-mounted onto aluminium. 125 × 70 cm